Nature Gazing the Auspices

Nature Gazing the Auspices

Ornithomancy to the Greeks, adapted into the practice of augury by the Romans, "taking the auspices" is prophecy using the observable movements of nature, rather than a set of cards or dice, or via the mathematics of astrology.

If you are looking for a straightforward question and answer reading, this is the closest we get at The Well — a collaborative divinatory practice between the reader and the client, observing the comings and goings of natural phenomenon, especially our local birds.

This is an asynchronous but collaborative reading. That means, within 48 hours of your purchase, you will receive:

  • an introduction to augury
  • tips for watching your local flora and fauna
  • a printable/fillable nature observation and divination journal
  • contact information to share your experiences during the reading period

And within 7 days of your purchase, or within 3 days of the return of your journal (whichever is longer), I will send you a PDF report which includes:

  • a summary of my interactions with nature while scrying
  • color images of any relevant critters I can capture by camera
  • a detailed interpretation of our combined observations of the signs as they relate to your question(s)