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This reading offers insight into ancestral connection and communion by casting a lot from my personal magpie oracle — a collection of trinkets and shiny things worthy of the most curious corvids.

This is an asynchronous reading. Within seven days of purchasing, you will receive a written report with insights, channeled messages, and suggested practices for connecting more deeply with your benevolent and beneficent ancestors.

Buy Now (sliding scale) $55 - $555

An auspex taking up the auspices, this ancestral practice of reading the omens of birds and other creatures and natural forces offers insight into your questions about the future, based on a collaboration of observation.

This is an asynchronous reading that includes a written report of my own observations of flora and fauna here in Oaxaca, Mexico in response to your questions about the future, as well as interpretation of your own experiences with birds during the week after you make your purchase.

Within 48 hours of your purchase, you will receive a package that includes an introduction to augury, a nature observation journal, and my contact information to share your experiences for the reading.

Buy Now (sliding scale) $111 - 1111

An elemental card reading that seeks guidance from the seven guiding ancestral spirits who I call on in my ritual work.

This is an asynchronous reading. Within 7 days of purchase, you will receive a written report of the reading, including photos of the cards drawn for you, and an audio recording of a personalized trance journey. This 60+ minute, spirit-led, personalized guided meditation will lead you to visit each of the seven spirits and receive wisdom from them about each of the seven cards they offer.

Buy Now (sliding scale) $222 - 2222

A year-long personalized ritual guide informed by runes and astrology.

This is an asynchronous reading. Within 15 days of purchase, you will receive a written report of the reading which includes a full year-long personalized ritual guide for 13 new moons and 13 full moons. Each ritual is informed by the astrology of the moon and by runes cast on a wheel of the coming year.

Included for each of the 13 lunations' rituals are suggestions for your altar, chants or magical spellwork, and a short 5-10 minute guided meditation for each lunation (13 recordings in total).

Buy Now (sliding scale) $333 - 3333

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